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Now all VOXL products have SDK 1.1.2 parity.

SDK 1.1.2 is now available on all VOXL products.

Happy New Year! We’ve been hard at work making big changes under the hood. Our latest VOXL SDK 1.1.2 is now available on all VOXL products - including our original Blue UAS Framework 1.0 VOXL line. Experience streamlined configuration and faster video processing like never before.

SDK 1.1.2 feature highlights:

APQ8096 and Qualcomm Flight RB5 5G Platform support

Now all VOXL and RB5 products run the same SDK across the board

v1.14 on Flight Core v1 and v2
Our Flight Core V1 and V2 images are now built from the same codebase as the PX4 version running on VOXL 2 SDSP ensuring predictable PX4 behavior across the product line.

    Hardware-accelerated video compression in voxl-camera-server

    For hires color cameras, voxl-camera-server can now publish either H265 or H264 compressed video over libmodal-pipe. Furthermore, it can compress two video streams at different resolutions simultaneously. This enables, for example, one SD video stream for RTSP alongside one HD video stream for recording to disk with the new voxl-record-video tool. Both at 30hz, accelerated in hardware! This enabled the next feature:

      Always-on RTSP video and MAVLink camera protocol support

      Out of the box, in hardware configurations with a color hires camera, voxl-streamer and voxl-mavcam-manager are enabled by default so that as soon as you connect to QGroundControl you get a live video feed with no additional configuration steps. Furthermore, the video snapshot and video record functions in QGroundControl will automatically appear and allow you to take full resolution JPEG snapshots and HD video recordings that get saved to disk onboard VOXL in flight.

        Streamlined configuration

        A primary focus has been to streamline MPA configuration process by including it in the SDK install script. A new package, voxl-configurator consolidates tools for managing the SKUcalibration files, and configuring MPA services. All of these tools are called during the SDK flashing script


          • Improved thresholding in voxl-calibrate-camera that’s less sensitive to lighting conditions
          • 16-bit raw lepton thermal camera data pipe
          • Send VIO packets with quality=-1 to PX4 on VIO failure to utilize PX4’s new quality metric functionality and make for more graceful fallback to altitude flight mode.
          • Robustness improvements to libmodal_pipe