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From Idea to Takeoff: A Developer's Guide to Launching Drone Projects with VOXL

Ready for takeoff? This guide outlines key steps to review before building and flying your autonomous drone. 

Step 1: Choose Your Platform

Your first step is selecting the right hardware platform for your project. ModalAI offers a range of options to suit various needs and skill levels:

  • Development Drones: For developers wanting a quick start, ModalAI's pre-built drones, like the Starling 2 or Starling 2 Max, provide a fully-integrated hardware and software platform for rapid prototyping and development. These drones are NDAA-compliant, making them an ideal choice for government and enterprise clients.
  • Autopilots: Developers who want maximum control over the entire design process can assemble a drone from ModalAI’s VOXL autopilots, building from the ground up. This approach offers unparalleled flexibility but requires more technical expertise. Using VOXL 2 or VOXL 2 Mini autopilots can significantly boost development time. ModalAI also offers a comprehensive suite of drone accessories, ranging from image sensors, radios, and accessories, so you can create your perfect drone. 

Step 2: Hardware Setup and Validation

This step focuses on ensuring all hardware is correctly assembled and functioning. Here, you will double check that your hardware is set up correctly.

Validation steps might include:

  • Airframe Construction: Ensure the drone's airframe is robust and structurally sound.
  • Companion Computer Calibration: Connect your companion computer to its ground control station and flight controller. Configure network connection between drone and ground control station via one of the supported methods (WiFi, 5G, Microhard, Doodle Labs, etc.) in order to view live data from the drone.
  • Motor and Propeller Installation: Correctly mount and secure motors and propellers, ensuring they are spinning in the right direction and appropriately balanced.
  • ESC Calibration: Calibrate electronic speed controllers for proper motor control.
  • Sensor Integration: Integrate and test any additional sensors, like GPS modules, IMUs, and cameras.
  • Voltage Testing: Check for expected voltage levels and validate that the current consumption of the vehicle is expected. 

Step 3: Software Setup and Configuration

ModalAI's VOXL SDK provides a user-friendly development environment to program and configure your drone. The regularly updated VOXL SDK provides streamlined configuration, faster video processing, and improved robustness. Key features include:

  • Pre-programmed Autonomous Navigation: VOXL SDK includes pre-programmed algorithms for Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO), Visual Obstacle Avoidance (VOA), and 3D mapping, significantly reducing development time.
  • Integration with Popular Platforms: The SDK seamlessly integrates with PX4, ROS 2, OpenCV, and TensorFlow Lite, providing broad compatibility with existing development tools and workflows.
  • Open Documentation: VOXL SDK is open, meaning that developers can access our code, software set up, and tutorials free of charge. 

Step 4: First Flight Set Up

Before your first flight, you must configure your drone’s start up behavior. In this step, you’ll determine which features and software should be activated when your drone is turned on. This process ensures the accurate functioning and communication of your drone hardware to your software. Key considerations include:

  • Linux Services: Determine which Linux services will run and in what order.
  • Modem Configuration: Ensure proper modem (Microhard, LTE, 5G, Doodle Labs) connection to your drone. 
  • Video Streaming: Set up video streaming and ensure all image sensors are working.
  • Docker: Configure any Docker containers to run.

Step 5: Autonomous Flight and Mission Planning

After completing the preceding steps, you can start testing your drone’s autonomous capabilities. Begin with simple tests and gradually increase complexity. Remember to always have a pilot ready to manually take control if necessary. The "How to Fly Your Drone Like a Pro" blog offers helpful guidance on flight techniques, both manual and autonomous. 

Building an autonomous drone can seem daunting, but ModalAI provides comprehensive tools, resources, and support to streamline the process. For further support, visit ModalAI's website, access the comprehensive documentation, or participate in the ModalAI forum.